Tuesday, January 6, 2009

right, right

so i havent had a chance to write a blog for a bit; ive been in florida. and this broken apostrophe key is still, you guessed it, broken. and i have a headache. and i also worship the almighty google. and damn i am tired. and i dont want to sound like i am complaining. so, i shall stop. that printer over there has not been used in months, though it still should work. and i love the coffee pot on top of it, and even more so the coffee that is to be made inside of it. my mother gave me some fair trade, bird friendly, organic coffee and it is great. in fact i might make some tonight. i got my computer back today, having left it at home. not using it for ten days or so was great. it always distracts me, and most of what i do on it has no purpose whatsoever. i will play games, go to random websites, go on facebook, etc. however, i get nothing out of this. but what d(at this point i paused, as Mom called)o you get out of anything? after writing this, i realize that i do get something out of everything i do, online or not. well, i am going to walk around outside until nine. and my headache has actually been gone for an hour or so, it had been around since i woke up but i took tylenol before playing tennis with Nicholas. i usually dont take meds for my headaches, as i really do not want to become dependant on them. but after half a day, it was getting really annoying. holla back, Ralph!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Man, hatten a rabbit, what is this world coming to?

This is for Ralph, by the way I hope you enjoyed your birthday and the many days it has been since then. I have been having so many ideas lately, which lead to nothing when I fail to write them down and they are lost in the abyss of forgotten, yet meaningful, thoughts and memories. Though perhaps they help to shape who I am today and will become tomorrow? In the metaphorical tomorrow, of course, though also the literal one. But evolution is, of course gradual. Anyways, I am sure that they have some effect on my psyche. And this dictionary I used has quite a sense of humor, ahaha, its example for psyche was I will never really fathom the female psyche. For, you see, lately I have been quite taken to looking up words that I plan on using, even if I know them, for their exact connotations. There are so many words that mean the same thing, that I find looking up the exact way they are defined can help me subjectively understand them and play around with them in context. WHAT THIS HAS BEEN LEADING UP TO: I have been planning on writing more blogs to express my ideas. While short-lived, they help me avoid boredom. Though, when Niall said that he was never bored, he really influenced me and I realize that boredom was a social invention; boredom is The state of being bored (Thank you, dictionary!) and bored is, well I am pretty sure you know what it is, and if not, you are online and there are plenty of very accessible dictionaries. Since then, I have always found ways to avoid boredom, if not by physical activities, then just by thought itself or conversation. c; Anyways, I just watched Manhatten, by Woody Allen, and I loved it. It made me have many great thoughts, which I have all forgotten by now, of course. However, one of them made me want to write a blog. Oh! I remember it. It is that I am growing detached from impatience; I prefer that to saying I am growing more patient, as perhaps I look at patience as just that: in its noun form and not so much a practical adjective. Saying that somebody is patient is the same, of course, as saying that they have patience, but for some reason right now I feel more comfortable saying that they have patience. Mayhaps it is that patience is this goal, this objective, that the right term should be has reached patience. (By the way, my apostrophe/quotation mark key has been broken, which should explain all of the italics. Though, in my opinion, they do not seem that out-of-place for the most part.) In the way that Bhuddists seek nirvana, let patience be our highest level of Enlightenment, metaphorically. So, that was my idea, now expanded, and perhaps it will make me better at tennis and ping-pong, in which patience is needed to be a proficient, nay, exceptional, player. In any case, this idea (which I do not completely agree with, I just tend to contemplate ideas as if I did fully agree with them) led me to write this blog, or really led me half-way, the other half was remembering that Ralph used to like to read my blogs. I have been wanting to get in touch with him for a while, but phone calls are not so appealing to me most of the time. I even missed my perfect opportunity to call him on his birthday, so, Ralph, consider this blog a birthday present and (you will probably say unnecessary) apology. I love you, Ralph, and hope to see you again sometime in the near future, it has been far too long.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Reality isn't real...?

So just now, I was listening to The Postal Service, one of my favorite bands, and reading their lyrics. For some reason, I was reading the lyrics of a different song then the one I was listening to, but oh well. Then I sort of freaked out. Now I can't remember how, writing things down always makes me feel calmer. I just felt really insecure and fell in love with their lyrics even more. I don't know, it's crazy weird. Ah well, now that that subject died, I'm still motivated to blog!

ASMS is going quite well, my grades aren't bad, and I have a lot of great friends. I am back in Troy until Tuesday, so I've gotten to visit friends and family which is always fun.

Ahh I'm too tired to finish off this blog with exciting topics, so I'll leave this blog a promise for more to come!

Monday, August 13, 2007


All you know is based on comparison. What you learn you compare with what you already know, so you can define but you need to know the difference to tell it apart. Would there be defined colors if they were not different? No, green is different from red, otherwise there wouldn't be green. I'd like your input on that.

So my school starts in 5 days, I can't wait. I have some great friends there already, namely Annamalai, Rebecca, and Audrey. This blog will be a mixture of my life and my thoughts, but not an even mixture. Sometimes one may be the only subject. Well yeah I didn't have that much to blog this time.